Is your time managing you? Discover the art of true productivity

Is your time managing you? Discover the art of true productivity

If you work in a large company or a bustling multinational environment, you probably know the feeling: your daily agenda is packed, and yet it feels like you never really catch up. We’ve all been there—facing endless lists of tasks that only seem to grow longer. At the end of each day, it can feel like you’ve barely made a dent. This continuous pile-up isn’t just frustrating; it can lead to serious stress and a feeling of being overwhelmed.

Every day, I work with clients who face these exact challenges, seeking effective strategies to manage their ever-expanding task lists and avoid burnout. They’re looking for better ways to manage their time and figure out which tasks really deserve their attention. That’s why understanding how to prioritize effectively isn’t just about clearing your schedule—it’s about clearing your mind.

The Essence of Time Management

As Nir Eyal eloquently puts it, “Time management is pain management.” This insight reveals that at the heart of our distraction and procrastination lies unresolved emotional turmoil. In our coaching sessions, we delve into what truly causes procrastination and distractions. By addressing the client as a whole system, we work to optimize all aspects of their life to align their focus with their core values and what truly matters.

Techniques for Effective Time Management

While coaching provides tailored strategies, there are also practical techniques that clients can employ independently to manage their time more effectively:

The Effort-Outcome Model: This helps assess the potential impact of a task against the effort required, facilitating more strategic decision-making in a busy corporate life.
Eisenhower Box: Ideal for those who need clear categorization, this method aids in distinguishing urgent tasks from important ones, allowing for better task management and delegation.

Self-reflective questions for better prioritisation

To refine your prioritization skills, consider these reflective questions:

  • Which of today’s tasks, if completed, would bring me closer to my goals?
  • Are my current efforts directly contributing to my strategic objectives?
  • Which tasks can I delegate to empower others and clear my schedule for high-impact work?
  • What are the recurring tasks that can be automated or eliminated?

Engaging with these questions regularly can transform your approach to work, making you not just a participant in your career but a strategic architect of it.

The Power of Doing Less

The true challenge in today’s work environment is learning the art of doing less, but better. In a culture that often conflates busyness with productivity, the real skill lies in discerning what is truly essential and giving yourself the permission to focus on those tasks. This not only enhances effectiveness but also aligns closely with personal well-being and professional fulfillment.

This week, pick one of the techniques or questions shared in this article and apply it. Notice the difference it makes not only to your productivity but also to your overall sense of control and satisfaction. Remember, effective time management is about making the most of the hours you have by ensuring they align with what’s genuinely important.


Building resilient teams in high-pressure environments

Building resilient teams in high-pressure environments

In my daily engagements with multinational companies, I consistently encounter teams facing significant stress and pressure. One of the most prevalent challenges in today’s business landscape is navigating uncertainty. From tight deadlines to high-stakes projects, the ability to thrive under such conditions is crucial. In this article, I aim to explore the dynamics of high-pressure environments and share effective strategies to bolster team resilience, drawing from firsthand experiences and established leadership practices.

Understanding the Dynamics of High-Pressure Environments

High-pressure environments are characterized by situations that demand rapid response and adaptation. Common triggers include imminent deadlines, high expectations for performance, and the looming threat of substantial consequences for failure. Such conditions can lead to heightened stress, which if not managed properly, may negatively impact team performance and individual well-being.

Key Strategies for Building Resilient Teams

Building resilience within teams is not just about enduring stress but transforming challenges into opportunities for growth. Here are some strategic approaches to foster resilience:

  • Clear Communication: Establish clarity around team roles, expectations, and the objectives of projects. A transparent communication channel minimizes misunderstandings and empowers team members to perform their roles confidently.
  • Empowerment: Enable team members by delegating authority and encouraging decision-making at individual levels. This autonomy can enhance a sense of control and ownership, crucial under high pressure.
  • Support Systems: Cultivate a supportive work environment where members can rely on each other. Implementing peer mentoring and regular check-ins can promote a sense of belonging and collective strength.
  • Stress Management Training: Equip teams with tools to handle stress effectively. Programs focusing on mindfulness, time management, and professional boundaries can significantly mitigate the impact of stress.
  • Wellness Programs: Encourage and facilitate programs that focus on both physical and mental health. Activities like regular physical workouts, meditation sessions, and workshops on nutritional awareness contribute to overall resilience.

Role of Leadership in Cultivating Resilience

Leaders play a pivotal role in shaping the resilience of their teams. Here are some ways leaders can actively promote resilience:

  • Modelling Behaviour: Demonstrate resilience by managing personal stress effectively and maintaining a positive, forward-looking attitude. Leaders who practice what they preach encourage their teams to adopt similar behaviors.
  • Encouraging Open Dialogue: Foster an organizational culture that values open communication. Encourage team members to express their concerns and suggestions, creating a safe space for dialogue about stress and its management.
  • Recognition and Reward: Make it a regular practice to recognise and reward hard work and resilience. Acknowledging team efforts, especially those that overcome significant challenges, boosts morale and motivates continued excellence.


If you are looking to deepen your understanding of resilience, you might consider the following books:

  • “The Resilience Factor” by Karen Reivich and Andrew Shatté, which offers insights into developing personal and professional resilience.
  • “Option B” by Sheryl Sandberg and Adam Grant, which discusses building resilience in the face of adversity.

Building a resilient team capable of thriving in high-pressure environments is essential for modern businesses. The strategies outlined here are designed to equip leaders with the tools necessary to foster a resilient workforce that not only survives but thrives in challenging conditions.

Should you wish to enhance your team’s resilience or desire more personalized advice on navigating high-pressure environments, feel free to reach out for a consultation. Together, we can transform workplace challenges into opportunities for growth and success.

Assessment tools for executives

Assessment tools for executives

Navigating today’s dynamic corporate landscape requires precise tools for assessing and enhancing executive performance. Here I have identified effective tools that bolster leadership capabilities in global companies.

Overview of popular assessment tools

  • HOGAN Assessments.  These provide insights into personality, career derailers, and core values, essential for predicting leadership success.
  • 360-Degree Feedback. This tool gathers comprehensive input from colleagues at all levels, offering leaders a rounded view of their performance.
  • Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). Helps understand personality dynamics to improve team interaction and leadership approach.
  • CliftonStrengths (formerly StrengthsFinder). Focuses on identifying and utilizing individual strengths to boost team performance and satisfaction.
  • Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI). Assesses behaviors and skills across five key practices to pinpoint leadership effectiveness and areas for growth.
  • SHL Occupational Personality Questionnaire (OPQ). Evaluates how behavioral styles impact workplace performance, aiding in crafting effective leadership strategies.
  • Belbin Team Roles. Identifies which team roles individuals naturally excel in, optimizing team performance through strategic role assignments.

Selecting the right tools for your organization

Choosing the right assessment tools involves understanding the unique needs and objectives of your organization. A combination of personality, behavioral, and leadership-focused tools often provides the most comprehensive insight into leadership capabilities.

Successful implementation of assessment tools requires clarity, confidentiality, and an ethical approach. These assessments must be conducted in a way that respects the privacy of participants while fostering an environment where feedback leads to growth and improvement.

To explore how advanced assessment strategies can be tailored to your leadership development program, feel free to reach out. Let’s build a custom assessment framework that fosters a culture of continuous improvement.


Embracing Spiral Dynamics in organizational leadership

Embracing Spiral Dynamics in organizational leadership

In today’s complex and rapidly changing business environment, organizational leaders are constantly searching for effective frameworks to understand and motivate their teams. Spiral Dynamics, developed by psychologist Clare Graves, offers a powerful lens through which to view the diverse motivations and worldviews of individuals within an organization. This model categorizes the psychological development of humans into distinct color-coded levels, each representing different motivators and value systems. By applying Spiral Dynamics, leaders can foster a more harmonious and productive workplace tailored to the unique needs of their teams.

Spiral Dynamics for Organizational Leaders

Understanding the Spiral Dynamics model is crucial for leaders aiming to effectively guide and motivate their teams. Each level of development signifies not just individual growth but also organizational evolution. By recognizing which level their team members operate from, leaders can craft strategies that resonate deeply, enhance motivation, and drive collective success.

While Spiral Dynamics offers various practical applications in inter-organizational and multicultural settings, this article will focus specifically on two critical aspects: firstly, the assessment and recognition of team members’ developmental stages through targeted questions; and secondly, the identification of key motivators that effectively inspire individuals at each level. These elements are essential for executives seeking to enhance engagement and performance within their teams.

Exploring Key Motivators and Questions

Spiral Dynamics categorizes developmental stages from Beige to Turquoise, each with distinct motivations and probing questions to better understand team members’ perspectives:

1. Beige – Survival


  • Security and safety
  • Fulfillment of basic needs (food, shelter, warmth)
  • Stability in the immediate environment
  • Clear and direct communication of expectations


  • What do you consider your basic needs?
  • How do you prioritize safety and survival in your daily life?
  • What steps do you take when you feel threatened or unsafe?
  • How do you manage times of crisis or extreme stress?
  • What does a typical day look like for you in terms of meeting your basic needs?

2. Purple – Tribalistic


  • Sense of belonging and community
  • Recognition of loyalty and contributions to the group
  • Preservation of traditions and customs
  • Emphasis on group success and security


  • Who are the most important people in your life?
  • How do you contribute to the well-being of your group or community?
  • What traditions or customs do you hold dear?
  • How does your family or community influence your decisions?
  • What role do rituals and symbols play in your life?

3. Red – Egocentric


  • Opportunities for personal power and autonomy
  • Public recognition and rewards for achievements
  • Challenges that allow demonstration of strength and courage
  • Clear winners and competitive scenarios


  • What personal goals are you currently pursuing?
  • How do you assert yourself in various situations?
  • What does power mean to you, and how do you demonstrate it?
  • How do you handle opposition or challenges to your authority?
  • Can you describe a time when you had to take a stand to protect your interests?

4. Blue – Authoritarian


  • Structure, order, and hierarchy
  • Clearly defined rules and expectations
  • Loyalty to the organization
  • Rewards for compliance and consistency



  • How important are rules and structure in your life?
  • Can you describe how discipline influences your daily activities?
  • What are your views on authority and obedience?
  • How do you respond to someone breaking a rule or agreement?
  • What values do you think are important for a well-functioning society?

5. Orange – Entrepreneurial


  • Opportunities for advancement and achievement
  • Innovation and risk-taking
  • Competitive advantages and market success
  • Rewards linked to performance outcomes


  • What achievements are you most proud of?
  • How do you measure success in your life and career?
  • What risks have you taken to reach your goals?
  • How do you stay competitive in your field?
  • What innovations have you introduced or adopted recently?

6. Green – Community-minded


  • Collaboration and teamwork
  • Ethical practices and fairness
  • Opportunities for personal growth and development
  • Contributions to the community and social causes


  • How do you foster connections with others in your workplace or community?
  • What efforts do you make to include diverse perspectives?
  • How do you handle conflicts within a group?
  • What social issues are you passionate about?
  • How do you balance personal goals with community needs?

7. Yellow – Integrative


  • Flexibility and freedom to explore new ideas
  • Involvement in making complex decisions
  • Opportunities to work on diverse and integrative projects
  • Focus on sustainability and holistic growth


  • How do you handle complex problems with many interrelated parts?
  • What strategies do you use to adapt to rapid changes?
  • How do you integrate different viewpoints into your decision-making process?
  • Can you give an example of a win-win outcome you’ve recently facilitated?
  • How do you prioritize sustainability in your decisions?

8. Turquoise – Holistic


  • Global and ecological well-being
  • Deep interconnectedness and spiritual fulfillment
  • Contribution to creating a peaceful and sustainable world
  • Emphasis on collective rather than individual success


  • How do you see your role in the larger scheme of things?
  • In what ways do you work towards harmony in your environment?
  • How do you approach issues that affect not only you but the global community?
  • Can you describe a time when you felt a deep connection with all living things?
  • What practices help you maintain a sense of universal interconnectedness?

In practice 

Implementing Spiral Dynamics within an organization doesn’t have to be daunting. Leaders can take several practical steps:

  • Assessment Tools: Utilize assessments to determine the Spiral Dynamics stage of team members.
  • Tailored Communication: Adjust communication strategies to meet the psychological needs of each stage.
  • Training Workshops: Conduct workshops to educate teams about Spiral Dynamics, enhancing mutual understanding and cooperation.
  • Feedback Mechanisms: Establish feedback systems that resonate with the developmental stage of employees, ensuring that it is constructive and motivating.

Adopting the Spiral Dynamics approach enables leaders to see their organizations through a new prism, one that appreciates and utilizes the inherent diversity of human development. By applying the insights from this model, leaders can create a more adaptive, innovative, and cohesive organizational culture. As the world continues to evolve, so too should our approaches to leadership—Spiral Dynamics provides the tools to do just that.

Ready to harness the transformative power of Spiral Dynamics in your organization? Let’s discuss how we can elevate your leadership and team dynamics together. Contact us to begin our journey towards exceptional organizational growth.
